(508) 545-076612 Worcester Street, Natick, MA 01760

Selling a Piano on Consignment

Sometimes the fastest way to sell a piano is for the owner is to consign their piano to a dealer or store. Selling a piano on consignment is type of arrangement where a piano store or dealer and piano owner enter an agreement to sell the piano on behalf of the owner. The store itself pays nothing for the piano but instead it will pay a percentage of the sale price to the owner after the piano is sold.

Consignment is generally beneficial both to the piano owner as well as the piano store, but it may not always be the best option – certain owners may prefer to trade-in their old piano for a new one.

Is consigning with a piano store worth it?

Selling a piano on consignment is the best choice for owners who want to sell their piano but do not want to spend a lot of time and money advertising it or letting people inside their homes to view the instrument. Think of piano consignment stores as real estate agents – but for pianos. The store will handle transport, online advertising, showroom exposure, presenting it to customers and every other detail to ensure the piano is sold for a fair price.

Selling a piano on consignment

In some cases, the store may offer to purchase the piano directly, but they will generally pay more if the owner opts to consign their piano. This is generally due to the fact that with consignment, the piano store’s investment in the instrument itself is lower (since they do not have to pay the owner until it sells). Another important aspect to keep in mind is the fact that even if a piano is particularly valuable, it doesn’t mean that it will sell straight away. Selling through a piano consignment with a store could take weeks or even months in some cases.

How much is my piano worth?

By now you’re probably asking yourself “well, how much is my piano worth?” Let’s look at a few tips on how to price a piano to sell.

Let’s start off by stating the obvious: different piano brands produce instruments of varying degrees of quality. So, in layman’s terms, even if you own a piano, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will fetch a high price when selling it. Not only that but even two exact same models of pianos can differ dramatically in value – the general condition of the instrument, cabinet finish, play time and local market can affect the value of a piano.

The best way to evaluate a piano’s worth is by contacting a piano store and having an expert perform an in-home evaluation of the instrument.

How do I sell my piano on consignment?

Contact Roger’s Piano today to start selling your piano on consignment. We will carefully evaluate your piano’s worth and showcase it in one of our two piano stores in Natick or Burlington.

Tell us about your current piano

Describe your current piano as best you can

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